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Dorm Fireworks Prank FAIL!
Proof that college isn't just for smart people - He's definitely checked 'almost pull off classic prank' on his college to-do list - with some impressively sad results...... Next up is 'almost ask out girl.' - I can't wait - LMAO!
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Where has this fashion store been all my life? It sells the sort of clothes that won’t be back in fashion for at least another 20 years. This incredible clothing outlet is so awe-inspiring, its name is only spoken in hushed tones.
Comments: 0
This guy looks like he was using a driver instead of a putter! BOOM! HEADSHOT! I bet he didn't even have the courtesy to yell "fore!"
Comments: 19
Unlike traditional spoon players, this mutt manages to makes a racket with just one, meaning he's roughly 50% more talented than regular spoon players but unfortunately, he's just as annoying...
Comments: 0
Skydive Dubai sponsored Soul Flyers World Champions Vince Reffet and Fred Fugen to break a new World Record by BASE jumping from above the pinnacle of the World's Tallest Building. Holy crap.
Comments: 0
Rémi Gaillard - king of trolls - does the unthinkable in a car wash station. It'll make you chuckle because it exaggerates a common problem we all encounter regularly.
Comments: 0
Shutting down a ho is a precise science. If you ever need tips on how to do it in the most flamboyant way possible, just go watch some Dragon Ball Z. Goku knows what's up.
Comments: 5
When there's a bear on the loose, roaming casually around your neighborhood, looking for something to eat it's probably time to put your phone down and actually look where you're walking...
Comments: 121
Having the wife decide on a ridiculous name for your first born is a bitter pill to swallow. Especially if the name is both ugly and hilarious. Still, take a big swig of delicious beverage and console yourself.
Comments: 1
There's nothing like trivialising what could potentially be a nasty accident by putting a bit of Mario music over the top so we can all have a good chuckle. After all, what's the internet for if not to push the boundaries of bad taste.
Comments: 2
He's going to grow up to be a great Break user someday.
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