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Hot Mom Busted Playing Rockband Naked
A very hot Mom plays Rockband naked while her kids run around the room. I'm going to file this one under FAIL, but I think I'm in love.
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Those green pigs and those birds, are they so different after all? Maybe the whole egg stealing thing was just a massive misunderstanding and they were just borrowing them to keep them safe. I’m sure that was it.
Comments: 0
Some think he's crazy, some have said he's high on drugs & everyone else just things he was dropped on his head as a kid. WTF?
Comments: 0
They would've got away with it if it wasn't for you pesky viewers! Check out this intriguing coolness!
Comments: 0
Wow, this cat would be a match even for a youthful Yoda. Just check out his speed, faster than a speeding bullet. Maybe this is the long lost cat of Obi Wan, who he thought had been run over by a landspeeder.
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The poor owner sprayed for termites, refurbished his store's interior, but he forgot to buy 'fat guy on the roof' insurance.
Comments: 1
So if you're cycling around the countryside and come across a bunch of wild horses, it's probably best not to wave your hand around near their mouths. They apparently have an aversion to lycra clad idiots.
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When watching these it's important to bear in mind that although these are the greatest Nick Cage quotes, Nick Cage's greatest is questionable at best, so the overall greatness is considerably lowered.
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What started out as a gag about the TF2 replay editor's .dmx file extension has escalated into an awesome animated music video featuring the Engineer as DMX and Demoman popping up left, right and center wearing shutter glasses.
Comments: 4
This is one way to screw up your kids early LOL
Comments: 5
Something for the weekend sir? An undisciplined dog attacking people in a barbershop doesn't really sound that funny does it? But when you add the Benny Hill theme and a crazy dog.
Comments: 2