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Toothpaste Art on Passed Out People
Even on the nights when you lose all of your dignity by passing out, you can still create something beautiful. Here's a few ideas for those parties where you find yourself wide-awake and bored while everyone else has passed out.
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Take some bonus rock song from the Harry Potter soundtrack, re-edit some of the scenes from the movie and you have Harry Potter in a completely new light. Now when's the release date?
Comments: 2
And this time they won't come back and try to kill you as a child! Some scientific brains at the University of Nottingham in the UK put some Cadbury's Creme Eggs through some awesome experiments.
Comments: 37
Ever wondered what the tetris theme would sound like, being belted out by a full orchestra? Well now you know! If you enjoy it even half as much as the guy at 0:32, then this is essential viewing.
Comments: 3
They say a cat has nine lives, but it looks as if this one has used them all up - But then fireman Cory Kalanick rescues the unconscious kitten from a burning house filled with smoke and gives it a respawn. Too cute!
Comments: 0
The first Nitro Circus the Movie 3D Trailer! Travis Pastrana and the whole crew are back together in a truly LEPICDARY action packed 3D film. Expect the impossible, ridiculous, insane, hysterical, and purely awesome!
Comments: 8
I like the overly dramatic scaremongering music & voiceover this clip has, it gives it an edge that really isn't necessary considering the subject matter alone is enough to gross us out!
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If they remade Home Alone with a pair of robbers who were half way competent, the movie would be way shorter than the current version—and it wouldn't be quite such a PG-rated film either.
Comments: 4
Fights don't break out in rugby nearly as much as internet videos suggest, but players don't mess around when fists finally start flying.
Comments: 7
By the looks of things, it looks like the place to be; hot sun, hot girls in swimwear, deck chairs, women licking the floor, and a guy playing the guitar in the street — everything you want, and need, from a nice seaside break.
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It’s so sweet. They must really love each other. Hang on, what’s that say at the end? He’s what! Oh man, that’s cold. That is cold.
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