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Serene Branson Malfunctions
After the Grammys, Serene Branson just can't seem to get her mouth to work right. Apparently, she got a glimpse of Justin Bieber and went all tongue-tied. It kinda looks as if she has had some kind of a stroke?
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This is one way to give a dog a belly rub, and just in case you were wondering, no those sounds aren't coming from the dog's mouth—let's hope not anyway, other that dog has bellyache.
Comments: 1,831
At only 11yrs old this girl really can blade but don't take our word for it, she just won first place in the World Freestyle Skating Championship! Congrats love and seeing as you're a girl we promise not to rip on you for blading either!
Comments: 1
Its that time of year again people so i thought i would warm you up to the extreme action that is about to come you way with some of last years footage.
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Skynet all started with a robotic hand. Before they knew what was going on the computers rose up and bitchslapped humanity. I'm not saying that's going to happen, but I will say that I'm buying lots of tinned food...
Comments: 3
Old gold here. You've quite probably seen this before but that doesn't mean you won't want to see it again. I saw it first time round and I still love it. I could watch this on repeat all day and not get bored.
Comments: 1
Okay. The motionless water was one thing but this weird little phenomenon just totally blew my mind all over again. Using just a speaker, a trickle of water and a camera, this guy can perform miracles!
Comments: 1
You may’ve thought that Jurassic Park was beyond ridicule, but you were wrong, even CGI dinosaurs can get laughed at. Although Spielberg’s movie is no doubt awesome, it did involve some ridiculous plot holes and science.
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This gang have some weak bikes but you got to give this dude some credit for a pretty nice trick up until he wiped out in the end.
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You can’t turn on the TV, go to the cinema, pick up a book or comic these days without coming across the decaying undead. Because zombies, in culture, are everywhere, but why? Why do we love them so?
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Now who'd be a better storyteller to read to children at bedtime than Samuel L “muthafunking” Jackson? He could teach those kids a few pointers to the finer parts of the English language, where the f-bomb is featured prominently.
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