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961m Headshot
There aren't many videogames that let you shoot someone from this kind of distance, but Battlefield 3 does. To pull off a shot like this you need some serious skill and some serious luck. Really impressive stuff.
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Rule number 1: It's really important to realize that when you are doing something as manly as shark fishing, you really should not scream like a girl if something bad happens.
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How many passes does the team in white make? Test you awareness and Do the Test! TFL cycling safetly advert! Do you see the Moonwalking bear?
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All about bike riders’ safety, so both motorists and cyclists should watch this and maybe, just maybe, everyone can all live together in peace and love and harmony. And rage. Lots of rage. LOL.
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Well, the world would be less poluted... but it would take a LOT longer to travel.. - LOL
Comments: 1
Ents don't always get the love and respect that they deserve. This one sure does though. Maybe a little more. It's hard to tell which is weirder, the girl hugging the tree or the 30 people videoing her hugging the tree.
Comments: 1
Nicolas Cage has got to a point where he doesn't give a fuck any more. He doesn’t care if the movie’s good or bad, he just cares about coating his 13,000 sq ft mansion in gold. He’ll consider ANYTHING!
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The pilot doesn't start high enough on a low flying loop and ejects out of his plane sending it crashing into the ground.
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How many Oreo cookies have to die Oreo cookies plus milk plus way too much free time equals this—but how many Oreos must die before this man's thirst for tricksy rebounds is sated?
Comments: 1,859
Love is complicated, one person says one thing, they mean something else. So wouldn’t it be better if things were a bit more literal? Ryan Higa does that, taking everything his date says absolutely literally. Maybe too literally.
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This guy's got some skills! He can catch a hacky sack without looking.. in his ass. - LOL
Comments: 8