Celeb Generals
What would English painter George Dawe think if he knew that his classic paintings of Russian generals had been hijacked & their heads replaced by all manner of modern celebrities? Jobs, Pacino, Cruise & even Charlie Sheen!
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Movie magic really is a hell of a thing. They can take an average looking actor and turn him into a 7 foot tall monster, or a midget with hairy feet. Also they can take Chuck Norris and make him look like, well, Chuck Norris. Amazing.
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America, the land of the free. Also the land of the crazy, the weird, and the overall wtf. We're not saying that isn't something to be proud of.
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More hotties from Comic-Con. Because I just can't get enough of these awesome babes!
Comments: 408
Some corrupted cartoon Disney characters guaranteed to ruin large parts of your childhood memories. Disney characters are such icons in our culture that any deviation from the norm induces intensive therapy.
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I don't think I'm alone in saying that I almost never look at my receipt, even after seeing these weird receipts I'm probably not going to start either but it shows you never know when you could find something that would make it worth while.
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You've passed out due to one to many root beers and your friends have taken the liberty of abusing your comatose body. Most of this abuse you wouldn't want to be awake for but fear not, there will lots of photos.
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Something that's happened to all red blooded males with a pulse & GOD FORBID there might be someone around with a camera to record the event when it does! It's one gallery you can browse without questioning your sexuality.
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A full century of attractive pictures of ladies heralding from the 4 corners of the internets. From web celebs that you may know, to others that you won't, every single one is worthy of some serious mouth dribbling. Phew!
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This hawt celebrity endorsement campaign has SO many sexual connotations it's AWESOME! Wave a big enough cheque for big $$$'s in front of their agent's face and they will talk a cute celeb into doing anything!
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It's just like the sequel to the popular children's book & movie, but this time with scantily clad drunken females - There's more ripping of each others clothes than ripping each others arms off.
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