T and A in the K
A gallery for the true chauvinists among us. For guys who aren't quite comfortable looking at ladies unless they're in front of a cooker or building a delicious sammich for their man. OM NOM NOM NOM.
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We love looking at them on the big screen but we love them even more when they are out of their clothes and splashing about in the water - Even without make-up and digital-enhancement they still look awesomely adoreable!
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Whatever you do, don't start trying to figure out what you are looking at and how it can be done. before you know it you will be pulled into a recursive nightmare of trying to figure out was is real and what is not of this reality.
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It's an odd combination but a strangely pleasing one. Attractive women in flight suits, attractive women in flight suits next to planes, women in cocktail dresses next to planes. ME GUSTA.
Comments: 88
Finally, a showdown between priceless works of art and their natural enemy, the humble house cat. Centuries old masterpieces versus the relatively new phenomenon that is the LOLcat. Which looks better? Only one way to find out!
Comments: 3
"Houston, we have a problem" - I love a toned chick, but when she has a six pack and guns that would put you to shame then you know that this girl means business!
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Dressing up like characters from Manga, comic books and tv series might sound lame and that's because it is. But when attractive ladies do it though, it's awesome. This rule applies to pretty much everything in life.
Comments: 4
It's quite possibly more than any mortal man could probably take in one go, imagine, a double-dose of booty-bewb beautifulness! If you haven't got enough up in the front for regular cleavage why not try some booty cleavage?
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Take some anime or a movie, then get it subtitled by someone with a thing grasp of the English language. It might not be to everybody's tastes, i guess it really depends on how silly your sense of humour is.
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Prepare for your visual senses to be set to overload as your mind grapples with this witchcraft - A collection of awesome pencil drawings by the talented Ramon Bruin. He makes perspective his b#tch and messes with the viewers mind.
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They chew your furniture & shoes, attract dirt, eat anything and throw up what doesn't seem to get digested and hump the leg of the person who will be the most offended. But. We love them more than words can say!
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