Apocalyptic Automobiles
Most of these don't look like they'd pass an MOT, but maybe that's the look they were going for? If Mad Max was a used car salesman this is probably what his lot would consist of. Loads of rust but still kinda cool.
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It's what you get when you combine college girls full of hormones, no parents and LOTS of alchohol. This is one very good reason why you should study hard to get a university education gentlemen - Let's PARTY!!!
Comments: 0
They are out there. Waiting. Looking for any oppertunity to get into one of your personal photos and spoil them with their own special brand of posing. Be it a weird face, body part, or god knows what. Fear them.
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So another Monday morning rolls around and i'm sure we are all reflecting on what a bizzare and horrific week it was, especially is you were a resident in Boston MA. It's a sad world. Time to restore the balance and cheer you up with some LOLZ pics.
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I really don't know why I've never seen this before but why has no one tried girls covered in beer porn? I mean its a pretty bad waste of beer but the viewing figures would probably cover the beer outlays, brb registering girlscoveredinbeer.com
Comments: 12
The difference between a yawn-tastic photo & a sublime work of pure awesomeness is all about the right angle - Witness everyday normality transformed into abstract total wonder before your very eyes !
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If you didn't fancy sleeping tonight or for the rest of the week, then why not have a browse of these completely insane face swaps.
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Hilary Clinton. What a gal. All the men want her and all the women want to be her. Sort of. Anyway, it seems the denizens of the internet have been busying themselves by photoshopping her up for political lolz. Thanks guys!
Comments: 2
It's a well known fact among scientists that alcohol makes women go wild - So expanding the realms of human knowledge we have compiled a gallery of drunk girls so you can examine this purely scientific effect yourselves !
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It's the land of the free, home of the brave, birthplace of the American dream and host to all sorts of other freaks. Somewhere along the way the dream turned into a nightmare that some people haven't woken up from yet.
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Now this is NOT what we have come to expect from those delicate creatures of the human species. This just goes to prove that women can be just as godawful as men when it comes to acting like delightful douchebags.
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