Girls and Guns
You like chicks, right?? Course you do. How about guns? You like them? Think they're cooler than an eskimo's ice box? Damn right you do. What if we combined the two? Well check out this desirable duo...
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Everyone's knows the well-used phrase 'Shopped!', used when an image has been manipulated to enhance the photo. But what happens when you take that to the very extreme. Witness some fine wannabe Photoshop heros.
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Little known fact: All celebs are trained in the art of kissing air on both cheeks as a polite, normal greeting, so when one of their kind breaks protocol and does something different all kinds of awkward fail is sure to follow!
Comments: 0
Sometimes you don't need any particular theme for a gallery other than just some beautiful women! I admit there's probably more photoshop represented here than actual women, but they are still nice to look at!
Comments: 65
Take some anime or a movie, then get it subtitled by someone with a thing grasp of the English language. It might not be to everybody's tastes, i guess it really depends on how silly your sense of humour is!
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They're your friends, girlfriends or wives who like to share a joke. They don't mind if you look because they like the attention. Women, we salute you, with our hands and sometimes with other parts of our anatomy.
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We love looking at them on the big screen but we love them even more when they are out of their clothes and splashing about in the water - Even without make-up and digital-enhancement they still look awesomely hawt!
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Your wedding is supposed to be one magical day to remember. I certainly wouldn't forget my wedding day if I had one like any of these! WTF?
Comments: 6
A gallery for the true chauvinists among us. For guys who aren't quite comfortable looking at ladies unless they're in front of a cooker or building a delicious sammich for their man. OM NOM NOM NOM.
Comments: 2
Summer (remember that?) means hanging out at the beach all day long (if you are lucky enough not to have a real job) and taking in the total funny eye candy of everyday people going about their, sometimes, weird, buisness.
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Why let your clothes be a walking billboard for a brand? These folks are certainly interested in sending a very strong message with their attire - If you are gonna wear stuff like this, you either really have to not give a f*ck or be insane - WTF ?
Comments: 456