Girls and Guns
You like chicks, right?? Course you do. How about guns? You like them? Think they're cooler than an eskimo's ice box? Damn right you do. What if we combined the two? Well check out this desirable duo...
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A protest took place in the capital of Ukraine at the entrance of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs in Kiev, protesting against sexual harassment in colleges. An unusual way to get the message across sure, but it gets your attention.
Comments: 4
Pretty important in terms of the whole human biology thingamajiggy, the human brain, from whatever scientifiic approach you take is a total scumbag. A wondrous marvel of evolution, but still a total scumbag.
Comments: 0
You don't really like those chicks in films & magazines who have been airbrushed & retouched SO much that they probably don't exist! What you REALLY want is a girl-next-door type who really does live next door!
Comments: 0
Cats aren't always evil, but when they are, they don't pull any punches. Whether it's pooping in your shoes, nesting in your briefcase or just shredding the toilet paper, they can be complete and total b#stards. You love them, but also fear them.
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Bill O’Reilly has become a meme, or rather, he’s become a meme again, since who among us can ever forget, no matter how hard we may try, his deep love for falafel. Explain that one!?
Comments: 11
When the weekend lands there's usually only ever one thing on your mind. Well, maybe two, but they're interlinked. Drinking! Kicking back and chilaxing with a drink or turning it into a competitive activity.
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It's that wonderful, peaceful calm before the oncoming storm of an almighty hangover. You've had another heavy night on the booze, and you're past that point where you could fall fast asleep on a bed of rusty nails. Or anywhere.
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Putin is the G.I. Joe of the political leader world, his shirt off, a crossbow in hand he's so macho, yet also he can show his tender side, playing the piano, swimming with dolphins, shedding a tear—he's just such a complex guy.
Comments: 22
You have to question how you came to have some really unusual social problems when you are amongst your peers & friends. 'Where the hell did i go wrong', you may ask? Well, the usual suspects might just be your parents!?
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Proof that under all that flubber lies a ripped body just waiting to be shown off. I just knew i had muscles. Kinda. I'm guessing that quite a lot of personal work was required to make some of these amazing body alterations posible.
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