T Shirts That'll Get You Noticed
Why let your clothes be a walking billboard for a brand? These folks are certainly interested in sending a very strong message with their attire - If you are gonna wear stuff like this, you either really have to not give a f*ck or be insane - WTF ?
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Nowadays, if you are a girl, you can't go anywhere or do anything in private without one of your buddies whipping out their digital camera and recording the event (for the internet)
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You just know these are road accidents just waiting to happen. Witness some of the more ingenious ways of trasporting, well, pretty much anything in a vehicle usually built for one or two passengers.
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"Houston, we have a problem" - I love a toned chick, but when she has a six pack and guns that would put you to shame then you know that this girl means business! Somehow i think i can predict who'd be the boss in the bedroom!
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Bill O’Reilly has become a meme, or rather, he’s become a meme again, since who among us can ever forget, no matter how hard we may try, his deep love for falafel. Explain that one!?
Comments: 11
What would English painter George Dawe think if he knew that his classic paintings of Russian generals had been hijacked & their heads replaced by all manner of modern celebrities? Jobs, Pacino, Cruise & even Charlie Sheen!
Comments: 213
Yeah boiiii! Time for another epic collection of funny, freshly squeezed from the internet-hole. As usual the standards for inclusion in this gallery are high, but there's plenty of them. Enough to set you up for the rest of the week!
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Learn the true meaning of humility when someone pwns your ass for it.
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This is the only way to neck a shot of your favourite tipple, be it Jack Daniels on bellybutton or cleavage tequila, so the next time you order at the bar, drink your drink from a lady's orifice!
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These enterprising drug smugglers have decided to make a run for the border disguised as a 'Department of Transportation' car with enough contraband for one HELL of a party! - Cheech & Chong couldn't have done it better!
Comments: 3
Not to be confused with spastictastic, splitstastic is an expression used to embody the pure awesomeness of attractive ladies doing the spits. You'll never look at ladies in the same way again.
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