T Shirts That'll Get You Noticed
Why let your clothes be a walking billboard for a brand? These folks are certainly interested in sending a very strong message with their attire - If you are gonna wear stuff like this, you either really have to not give a f*ck or be insane - WTF ?
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Where else can you get a job where you get to play with BFG's all day long & ride around in Humvees & helicopters & blow stuff up? Ok, so there might be a slight danger to your life, but think of the guns. The big honkin' guns!
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It must be true what they say, chicks just can't resist a man in uniform, even if he's from a galaxy far far away. these guys score with all the ladies, but it won't last, those log distance relationships are tricky!
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Wedgies are bad enough wearing men's underwear, now take a moment to imagine how much that's gotta hurt with thongs...OUCH!
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It's not true when people say you have to get ahead in life to enjoy all it's rich rewards, sometimes it's waay better to be the one 'behind', especially when it comes to cute chicks - Aint life a peach!
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To quote that wise sage Homer Simpson, "Beer, the cause of, & solution to, all of life's little problems!" Where would we be without this nectar of the gods? Probably still married with a prosperous career!?
Comments: 109
She might not be the most curvaceous of actresses but there's definitely something about her. Maybe it's the posh British accent or maybe it's just her willingness to get all dressed up as a pirate. Who knows?
Comments: 12
Some people find it fun to get their dog a crazy hairdo, but I think some of these are borderlining on cruel and unusual punishment! Just remember that every dog will have it's day & get revenge!?
Comments: 490
Summer's coming and that means the beach. It’s a great place to rest & relax, catching a few zzz’s & maybe read a good book while you work on your tan. Whatever your reason, it won’t be a complete experience without ogling all the cute women.
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It takes place on the second day of Easter and is guaranteed to make all girls wet (no, not in the way your pervy mind works), it is a peculiar custom of splashing females with cold water to purify them.
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If you seriously subscribe to letting the world know you just blew your nose then you belong in nerd-central! Lets be honest here, there are chicks and they post hawt pictures of themselves!
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