MotoGP Paddock Girls!
Two of the planet's greatest things paid up at last! Nothing brings out the hotties quite like motorcycle racing! Here's a great collection of some of the team girls!
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Another girl-filled gallery of incredibly cute, but off-puttingly weird women. Whether it's their bizarre cosplay behaviour, wide-ranging perculiar activity, or just outright WTFness, there's something odd about each and every one of them.
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If you take a look it's plain to see that the old saying "Dogs begin to look like their owners, and vice-verca' is actually true. Just subtle similarities that make them a perfect match for each other.
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Just remember, you will never give less of a f#ck than when you are a child. Kids are like little rockstars who don't need drugs and alcohol when they trash the place and defecate on themselves, it's just who they are - Be AFRAID!
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Yep, it's another glorious Monday morning & another time for a get-back-to-work gallery of whatever-the-hell weirdness the internet had to offer over the past week. All the best images are packaged up here for your perusal.
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If only chicks were like clothes, you know, you could walk into a shop, pick out something that looks nice & go into a changing room to try it out for size. Of course you'd know how much it was gonna cost you before you bought it!
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Most adverts are pretty lame and formulaeic. Not these. Someone at the creative agency has gone and outdone themselves this time and actually used a little bit of creativity. Probably the best ads you'll see all week.
Comments: 1,073
For some women, having the right set of genes is like having a pass in life. Men will always buy them drinks and food. All they need to do is flash bit of flesh and they're out of trouble.
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Lots of HOT chicks with BIG guns and something tells me they are VERY adept at finding their way around a big weapon that doesn't fire blanks - It's almost worth dying for !!!
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If you've ever gone travelling you've probably experienced this sort of thing first hand. When it comes to sign writing, something almost always gets lost in translation. These are some of the funnier examples.
Comments: 524
More truthful titles to popular movies. If movies were titled this truthfully in the first place, perhaps it could have saved us some money!
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