MotoGP Paddock Girls!
Two of the planet's greatest things paid up at last! Nothing brings out the hotties quite like motorcycle racing! Here's a great collection of some of the team girls!
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They might WOW you with their dazzling on-screen presence and amazing acting/singing/sports/whatever abilities, but when it comes to saying whats on their minds, thats when the word 'star' quickly turns to 'stoopid'.
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Ah, for those wonderful days of college life, where you devoted all of your time to study and the pursuit of knowledge to further your young mind. There was very little time for anything else really. Or was that in another reality?
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Judging from these pictures though, some are more different than others. Also some are pretty damn weird. In this gallery there's maybe one that wouldn't terrify me if I woke up next to it. Some brilliant pictures though...
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Proof that under all that flubber lies a ripped body just waiting to be shown off. I just knew i had muscles. Kinda. I'm guessing that quite a lot of personal work was required to make some of these amazing body alterations posible.
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The difference between a yawn-tastic photo & a sublime work of pure awesomeness is all about the right angle - Witness everyday normality transformed into abstract total wonder before your very eyes !
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People have been trying to explain the mystery of perspective to each other for centuries, but they just don't get it. "How can something be smaller if it is further away?" - It's best not tried on a blonde for fear of the universe exploding!
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Lots of HOT chicks with BIG guns and something tells me they are VERY adept at finding their way around a big weapon that doesn't fire blanks - It's almost worth dying for !!!
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These examples of vertical gardening give a whole new meaning to the term 'up hill gardener'. It totally sounds like some kind of lewd euphemism, but these pics are exactly what you'd expect.
Comments: 168
Just because you joined up doesn't mean you'll be spending all your time running around wielding exciting bits of weaponry. Luckily there's all kinds of fun and japes to be found in the armed forces.
Comments: 187
With the weather being so insanely hot we thought we'd try and cool you down with these babes eating popsicles. But thinking about it now it could well have the opposite effect and get you even hotter under the collar. Oh well, enjoy!
Comments: 428