MotoGP Paddock Girls!
Two of the planet's greatest things paid up at last! Nothing brings out the hotties quite like motorcycle racing! Here's a great collection of some of the team girls!
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It's weird to think that in the age of iTunes & MP3 playes that some of the younger generation will have no idea what an LP ablum cover looks like, for the rest of us it was an age of fun and really getting into the music.
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This is the work of Rolling Stone photographer Mark Seliger. He makes unique portraits of celebrities that are intimate, sensual and incredibly stylish. These masterpieces (little bit NSFW) include Gwyneth Paltrow, Leonardo DiCaprio and Heidi Klum.
Comments: 16
I know what you want. You want to peruse a gallery of hamster glamour shots don't you? Thought so. Well, here it is, a collection of adorable fluffballs who have all been beutified and readied for their close-ups.
Comments: 3
Sometimes you go out & drink yourself into a tinsel strewn, bed-sh#tting, marker-ridden, man-hugging mess, & here are those results!
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I always thought the phrase 'cute emo' was an oxymoron, surely those two words cannot be used to describe the stereotype imagery we all have stored in our cynical minds. Seems that emos' can be cute after all.
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That swimsuit colour really brings out his eyes and compliments his Rubenesque body, one for the spank bank...But in all seriousness, let hope for the sake of all humanity he doesn't do Playboy.
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Girls, can't live with them (why is that?) and certainly can't live without them, but why stop at just 1? We have searched high & low on the internetz in order to compile a collection of cheeky cuties doing things that we all love them to do :)
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So here it is, the day of the week that feels like your human reset button has been engaged and life returns to, well, exactly the same as it did last week. That only leaves you 7 days to f#ck it all up again. Meanwhile, here are some pics.
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Pets are good at certain things, like licking their crotches, shedding on your clothes and getting under your feet before you manage to reach the lightswitch, but ask then to fix your car and they're utterly useless.
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This gallery is a tribute to the high-beams! Hottie celebs showing off their glorious headlights!
Comments: 9