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London Underground LOLZ
Defacing signs isn't big and it isn't clever but if you do it in just the right way, it can be pretty damn funny. Here's a bunch of signs that have been vandalised by hooligans with a modicum of wit.
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It's time to remember the summer on these cold winter nights and what's better than some summertime photo candy to keep you warm. It hurts just looking at these scorched sunburnt bodies, what the hell's wrong with them?
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It's plain to see that the old saying "Dogs begin to look like their owners, and vice-verca' is actually true. Just subtle similarities that make them a perfect match for each other.
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Getting a tattoo is a very personal thing, if you're going to get something indelibly inked under your skin, visible to all, you'd better make a statement. Something meaningful. "I like McDonalds" is a perfect example.
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Ok, i know what you are all thinking, grab a branch from the ugly tree and beat her until she loses all of the lard she is carrying and starts to look better. WRONG! Stand back & look & you will be amazed!
Comments: 647
The world's best music festival has recently come & gone and tru to form it was an amazing event. Set in the heart of the English countryside, no event here is worthy unless it rains and there's lots and LOTS of mud. Epic.
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Riding a roller coaster is a little bit like life, you think you are prepared for what the future hold, but when it arrives some people just can't cope with it and as these facial expressions reveal, wish they hadn't made this choice.
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When people are making out and someone takes a picture it's your duty to get in the back on that shot and pull a stupid face. If you don't you're letting society down.
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It's time to surrender to the best camera angle known to man or beast (or perv) - We've got big underbewbs, small underbewb, sidebewb, fullbewb & some peanut-tastic pretties that will leave you drooling :)
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No other acronym accurately and succinctly summarises what is going on in each and ever single one of these photographs. What is going on here? We don't know. And we don't want to know. The only thing for sure is 'WTF!?!'
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From the looks on these kids faces you'd think their hair has feeling & they are about to be subjected to extreme torture! I guess the first time you have one it could be scary? Why do kids hate the barber so much?
Comments: 210