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London Underground LOLZ
Defacing signs isn't big and it isn't clever but if you do it in just the right way, it can be pretty damn funny. Here's a bunch of signs that have been vandalised by hooligans with a modicum of wit.
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The amazing American actress proves that she can make anything look stunning just by being in the same vicinity - WOW!
Comments: 15
Guys stare at women. it's what they do. Especially when the women are wearing as little as these ones are. Regardless nobody wants to be unsubtle enough to get caught staring like all of these lecherous gentlemen.
Comments: 8
These printers have identity issues, or thirsts for unusual substances. or are they part of the skynet uprising. Oviously though, some of these machines seem to be saying whatever the hell they like.
Comments: 13
It makes the world go round, it can't buy you love (actually i think it can), and it's the root of all evil (apparently), OR, it can be folded - A seriously creative use of Origami - I have a feeling the Queen of England would not be amused !
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If you want your cosplay costume to be instantly recognisable, it's probably best to plump for something nintendo themed. Plumbers, bounty hunters or Hyrulian heroes. People are bound to know who you are straight off.
Comments: 37
We love looking at them on the big screen but we love them even more when they are out of their clothes and splashing about in the water - Even without make-up and digital-enhancement they still look awesomely hawt!
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Fierce female abdominals are always going to be a divisive topic to debate. Some of us love them, others loathe them. Frankly I don't mind either way so long as the owner of those amazing abs can make a good sammich.
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Maria Zarring is a model from Moscow who became noted for having extremely large natural assets. This very curvy woman enjoys having shoots in tight dresses and here are some of her winning moves - 'Chest-mate'.
Comments: 454
A perfect derrière is just like a succulent steak, something you want to get your teeth into but it has to meet the following criretia: Juicy, no fat and something that just melts in your mouth!
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Come on, have a little think about it, you don't really like those girls in films & magazines who have been airbrushed & retouched SO much that they probably don't exist! What you REALLY want is a girl-next-door type who really does live next door!
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