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London Underground LOLZ
Defacing signs isn't big and it isn't clever but if you do it in just the right way, it can be pretty damn funny. Here's a bunch of signs that have been vandalised by hooligans with a modicum of wit.
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If you ever wanted a better reason to take up an ancient Indian spiritual discipline then take a look at these cuties in Yoga pants practicing this sacred ritual. It'll guarantee that part of your body will reach a higher plane of existence!
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One picture they're a youngster and the next they are all grown up and trying to look voluptuous, it's quite strange really. Anyway all your classic Hollywood kids are in here along with a few you won't have expected.
Comments: 508
Ok, so lets be honest here, any girl with freckles instantly adopts a special sort of 'girl-next-door' charm, add to that the fact she is already a cute looking celeb and you are pretty much onto a winner.
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She's a stunning Japanese bikini model sent down from the heavens to make every man drool with envy that she isn't also modeling his shirt, from the morning after a steamy night before. Hot damn !
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Imagine if, instead of putting gushing quotes on movie posters, they had the one-star amazon reviews on instead.
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Lets face it, we all love a great film and can't get enough of it. So, whether you're a nerdy cinephile or just enjoy candid pictures of golden moments on the set of your favourite movies, there's something here for everyone.
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We love looking at them on the big screen but we love them even more when they are out of their clothes and splashing about in the water - Even without make-up and digital-enhancement they still look awesomely adoreable!
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Please let me take one, i'm not fussy, any of them will do, honest! If only life was that simple, walking up to a beautiful chicks and saying 'I'll take you please' and that was all there was to it. DAMN :(
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Drunk girls, when they're not ripping each other's clothes off and rolling around together, they're trying to eat each other's faces off. Now who would want to argue with that? Seems like a perfectly acceptable thing to be doing.
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Yep, it's celebs who, strangely enough look like other celebs. Nothing strange here you might think, well wait until you see who their counterparts are. You will never see them in the same way again. Weird.
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