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London Underground LOLZ
Defacing signs isn't big and it isn't clever but if you do it in just the right way, it can be pretty damn funny. Here's a bunch of signs that have been vandalised by hooligans with a modicum of wit.
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It's surprising the human race is alive and relatively well, if not mentally stable, after looking at some of these pics. The sins of the father and of the mother too. No doubt these kid'll grow up to be well-rounded, fully developed deviants
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This guy takes photo-bombing to a whole new level! It just makes me wonder how he knows where to be all the time - WTF??
Comments: 23
Take some anime or a movie, then get it subtitled by someone with a thing grasp of the English language. It might not be to everybody's tastes, i guess it really depends on how silly your sense of humour is!
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Another week has gone by and Monday rolls round again. If you're anything like me you're chomping at the bit for something to do other than work. Luckily for you we've prepared a nice big pic-dump for you to enjoy.
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It might not be the most original fancy dress costume, but it's pretty easy to put together and pretty damn effective. All you need is a face, a knife, some guts and a zipper to glue to your face afterwards. Enjoy!
Comments: 26
It's that wonderful, peaceful calm before the oncoming storm of an almighty hangover. You've had another heavy night on the booze, and you're past that point where you could fall fast asleep on a bed of rusty nails. Or anywhere.
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I'm not sure how many of these have accents or even how many have visited their ancestral homelands, but that doesn't matter because they are very cute. If they told me they were from Mars, that would be fine too.
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Pregnancy is a wonderful time for all involved, a chance for the would-be mother to feel her child growing inside her and the proud father to set up the nest. And of course there are those 'special' photos. Oh dear!
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Stealing food is from the communal fridge is kinda annoying, but isn't exactly bank robbery and leaving a notes like this will only entertain the thief, and his friends, and the internet. It's a cruel world.
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Digital art has progressed to such a point now that it almost has become an art-form on par with the great comic books of old. The arrival of the darker sider of culture, anime and urban chaos makes this a thing of beauty. Enjoy.
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