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London Underground LOLZ
Defacing signs isn't big and it isn't clever but if you do it in just the right way, it can be pretty damn funny. Here's a bunch of signs that have been vandalised by hooligans with a modicum of wit.
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You're sure of a BIG surprise. It's amazing what you can stumble upon in Russia's forests, a little kid would have a perfect childhood here. The billions of rubles worth of military equipment rotting here is staggering.
Comments: 0
Ahhh, where would we be without our comrades from the land of the hammer, sickle and so much 'WTF!?!' it's incredible. Where the rest of the world operates in one particular way, you can rely on Russia to do it differently.
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Fancy a whole heap of gross, maybe some distended man guts? Yeah, me too. Well get your Me Gusta face on because it's time for 40 of the best. These are the most swollen, hairy abdominal abominations you'll ever likely to see.
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WARNING: Looking at these images of church announcement signs out of context will leave you in a situation where you will never be able to look at one ever again without trying to figure out the wrong hidden meaning. Epic.
Comments: 4
Ahhh, irony, it's life's wonderful oxymoron full of poetic FAIL! What a boring place this planet would be without it. Also where would Alanis Morissette get at least 2 albums worth of song material from?
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Just when you think you have framed the perfect magic moment along comes a petulant photobomber to ruin it for you and make his/her/it's day at your expense. Treasure these very special moments!
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I'd put my 'chen' on her 'bund'. I honestly don't even know what that was supposed to mean. I think it was just meant to sound vaguely sexual. Yep. I want to do vaguely sexual things to this woman.
Comments: 1
If you're inclined towards OCD style behavior then this selection of images should sooth you, featuring all kinds of objects that slot together so well, it's as though they were made for each other.
Comments: 1,511
After seeing these you could say that the definition of beauty is 'when you can go out without make-up and not be mistaken for a dude in a wig'. Most of these girls you could pass in the street and not have a clue who they were...
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If you live in the first world you're probably toiling under a constant barrage of earth shattering problems that only other people who live in the first world can empathise with, like these. Here's to you, you poor unfortunate souls.
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